- Improving measures to prevent youth crime
- The question of cultural differences influencing the concept of crime and punishment
- Strengthening the promotion of rehabilitation of criminals
- The question of links between international terrorism and organised crime
- Achieving justice for victims: the role of judges, prosecutors and lawyers
It definitely will be an interesting week in The Hague. But until then, I have to write a resolution to fit under one of those headings. I'm not entirely sure what I'll be writing about yet (I had better hurry up, delegate leader wants a draft by boxing day), there are just so many issues to take into consideration. The hardest part of all being that this resolution must be written with a Ugandan perspective in mind.
But before that, the delegation gets to explore the sights and sounds of Europe. We'll be visiting Paris, Berlin, Munich, Prague, Budapest, Brussels, Amsterdam, Strasbourg, Geneva. I've probably missed a city or two, but there are just so many. We'll be meeting with Brendan Nelson, Sir Christopher Greenwood, Jonathan Prentice and so many more exciting international figures. It really is the trip of a lifetime.
The packing continues, my mother seems more stressed about it than I am. We've been shopping for clothes what seems like thousands of times. It is just so hard to comprehend how cold it is going to be over there. Winter in Europe is nothing like winter in Australia. I'm still very excited, although I'm still in the wind-down from school.
Follow my trip in Europe either through this blog or my twitter. I hope to update daily on this blog whilst I'm OS and I'll be updating twitter as often as I possibly can. Can't wait till we fly out!
- Elyse