Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 16: THE HAGUE!!

Boo-yeh! Today has been wonderously exciting, full of meeting new people and sleeping in (yes!) What has been also the saddest and least eventful day yet was also full of joy and thrills. Biggest joys of the day include:

 - meeting my host family
- waking up at 7, knowing after an 8am breakfast I got to go back to bed
- meeting other delegates
- knowing that the conference starts tomorrow

Saddest Moment: Saying Goodbye to Rob and Matt (our topdeck tour boys) as our tour with them has ended. :(

So this morning my alarm went off at 7am, so I got up and packed my bags - managing to do so effectivly enough to be able to no longer have to carry around a H&M bag to fit in all my clothes (Yes! A great triumph there!) I then went down to breakfast and enjoyed my last hotel buffet breakfast for a little while at least. Not to worry. I returned to my room and spent my morning napping and watching Bob L'éponge (SpongeBob Squarepants) on French TV. That show is weird in English, but on French it just takes on a whole new level! 

At noon, we left Brussels on our last bus trip. Most of this was taken up by THIMUN briefings, hightening the excitment as we entered the Hague. Hugs, presents and thankyous were shared as we sadly said goodbye to Rob and Matt. Matt has been a fabulous driver and both have been really amazing people over the past 17 days. Unfortunately, I never managed to be able to balance that lightsaber for 30 seconds, I might be able to do ten if I am lucky. They were great entertainment, very intelligent and friendly and definately made my first trip to Europe and enjoyable one. We will miss you guys.

After many group hugs, we entered the THIMUN conference area to be registered. During this time, we introduced ourselves to other delegates and started a bit of lobbying. Of the almost 15 delegates from my Special Commision on Crime and Punishment, all bar one of them has written a resolution on Youth Crime. It looks like there will be intense lobbying on my part if I want my Youth Crime Resolution to be passed. Oh well, all the more fun to be had tomorrow.

We got on the last bus to the British School of the Netherlands and met with our host family. Can I just say, they are amazing. After spending only an hour, at a generous estimate, in their company, I already feel right at home. They have been so nice and welcoming. I will definately be enjoying going home at the end of a long conference day.

So excited for tomorrow


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