Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 5: Bratislava and Budapest

Today was a driving day. We woke up bright and early, leaving Prague by 7:30am for Budapest. The road trip mostly involved singing along to CDs that had been brought full of music, sleeping and watching Cool Runnings. Overall a full, rich bus trip. One of the great moments on the bus was the announcement of winners of "hats", which are ridiculous items of headgear that must be worn in public. These hats are awarded for many categories. Today was Culturally Insensitive Award and the Legend Award. Fortunately I recieved neither. They are mighty embarassing items of headgear and I look horrible in a hat anyway.

Bratislava is a beautiful place. We stopped there, the captial of Slovakia, for lunch. We didn't have a lot of time there so our tour was short, although I did get to pose with a statue of Napoleon whilst others took pictures. A couple from our delegation accidently crashed a funeral, much to their own embarassment. The place was really beautiful. A lot of Eastern Europe is, particuarly in smaller countries that weren't ravaged by the World Wars.

I think I should have mentioned our tour guide, Rob, by now. He's an English geek whose loves include maps, flagpoles and Star Wars. Whenever he is leading us on a tour he carries a blue light saber which he sometimes balances on his foot if we're taking photos. Today he challenged me to be able to balance the lightsaber for at least 10 seconds. I have accepted such a challenge and by the end of the tour i will achieve this. All in the name of having fun of course.

After we left Bratislava, we headed towards Budapest, a wonderful country with an awesome history. I love the Huns and this is the area where they came from. The castles and other old buildings I have yet to visit, but tomorrow we are going on an excellent tour. I cannot wait.

I know I said I would put up photos tonight, but time again has run away from me. Tomorrow morning perhaps.

Until another day

~ Elyse


  1. So unbelievably jelous, how come you get to see all the pretty places??? When you get back I want to see you balance a lightsaber for ten seconds so you had better practice.
